Château d'Avully
Beautiful castle built on former roman vestiges in the 12th Century, when Savoie was an independent land… Saint François de Sales like other prestigious historical personages liked to stay in this castle.
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Jardin des Cinq Sens
Awaken your senses with a trip to this garden full of poetry and dreams! Located right in the middle of medieval village Yvoire, the garden seems to invite visitors to explore every delightful corner. It has been classified a “Jardin Remarquable”.
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Delta de la Dranse
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Forêt de Ripaille
Ripaille Forest is just minutes away from Thonon town centre and is ideal for a lovely walk. This private wooded area is home to several different species of animal and you can stroll along a signposted trail to become one with nature.
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Musée Départemental des Sapeurs-Pompiers
The story of the firemen through the time
Discover the impressive collection of 40 former vehicles renovated from 1930 to 1980's and the water pumps from 1800's.
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